DIGITALITIS - Travels With Pixels DIGITALITIS - Travels With Pixels
Dune belt between Arkenu and Uweinat
Dune belt between Arkenu and Uweinat - On first maps of this area made by early motorized explorers this dune belt is marked as "impenetrable" (see map of Uweinat by Survey of Egypt, 1942). Certainly for cars of World War II this narrow stripe of lovely dunes was an unbeatable natural obstacle. Nowadays, on the other hand, if you are equipped with good 4WD cars and experienced drivers the dunes are just a fun place to drive. During our crossing we witnessed with smiles a lonely Libyan military patrol getting stuck in sand every hundred meters. These poor young boys must have been send here, into a middle of Sahara's nowhere, for punishment. They had no idea about desert driving.The mountains in the background belong to Jebel Arkenu.
DIGITALITIS - travels with pixels